Morning Concert

Recently,  while biking near the coast, a huge cargo ship entered the channel a short distance away—a ship possibly carrying cars like the one that overturned in this area a few years back. It was like  most of the cargo ships that come into this channel—except for its name.

Etched on the side were the words, “Morning Concert.” I was struck by how lyrical the name was compared to the utilitarian nature of the vessel. I was so awed that I didn’t get a picture until the vessel was heading into port.

Of course, the name conjured up a thousand questions in this writer’s mind. Who owned the vessel? Who named it? What concert were they referring to? Who was singing? Why in the morning?

God used that name to reinforce a couple of things He has been speaking to my heart. The first  has to do with timing. I have a time set aside with the Lord every morning, but I sense He wants me to choose consciously and consistently to connect with Him immediately on my waking, and not become distracted with my to do list or anything else. Second, I was reminded of something A.W. Tozer says— how we should do nothing but that it first begins with praise. In other words, God wants a “Morning Concert” from us before we begin our day.

For many of us, that’s going to require a change. But what might it accomplish in our lives?

The Psalmist did this—“What a beautiful thing, God, to give thanks, to sing an anthem to you, the High God! To announce your love each daybreak . . . “ (Psalm 92:1-3 The Message).

I’ve done this for a while now. As I wake, I’ll pray about a song to sing, and one always drifts into my mind—often a hymn from back in the day. I know all the verses to many of them after a lifetime of being a church musician. I’ve noticed something interesting as I whisper/sing the words. The words seem to shine in my mind as if a spotlight is on them. They become clearer and more meaningful as I offer them to God in that quiet time. The song often comes back to me throughout the day ministering to my heart.

So, try having your own “Morning Concert.” Only God knows the full impact a practice like this will have.

Related: The Golden Ray in the Golden Ray