A Prayer
Today we said goodbye to a lifetime of friends as my husband retired as Pastor of Gateway Church after twenty-five years. My blood shot eyes may take several days to recover. Though we knew it was time, though we knew God was redirecting our lives, still, the process was painful.

Interestingly enough for me, just two days ago I received a contract offering to produce one of my screenplays, Give My Love to the Chestnut Trees. This was the result of many years of work and prayer, but I’ve hardly had time to think about what it means, because of all these goodbyes. I know once more, I’ll be traveling a sharp learning curve as I navigate the waters of film production--a journey for which God has been preparing me for some time. I look forward to what God will do as I board this ship.

Early this morning I read the concluding prayer from Hebrews. “May the God of peace…equip you with everything good for doing his will, and may he work in us what is pleasing to him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be glory forever and ever.” I offer up this prayer for these precious people of Gateway who we’ll always hold in our hearts, and I offer it for our family as we look ahead to what God has for us.