I’m not sure which factors have contributed to the leaves clinging longer to the trees this fall--maybe the unseasonably warm weather. Nevertheless, here we are almost to Thanksgiving, and we’re still in the thick of brilliant color.

Recently, my daughter and I were looking through some prints I’d collected over the years. She came across a watercolor print from artist Judy Bolton Jarrett depicting one tree in the four seasons of the year. Judy had woven this verse from Ecclesiastes into her painting: “To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven…” (Ecc. 3:1 KJV)
Changing seasons in our lives can be a challenge—often a difficult challenge. Just as the leaves in my yard have held on this year, I’ve found myself at times clinging to the season I’m in rather than embrace a new era in my life. But the changeless One calls us forward, and promises to hold us fast through every transition.
Later in Ecclesiastes, we find, “He hath made everything beautiful in his time…” (Ecc. 3:11) In the trees all around me, and in Judy Jarrett’s watercolor now hanging in my daughter’s room, I’m daily reminded of these words of solace and ask God to help me look for the beauty no matter the season in which I might find myself.
The view from here?