Ten years ago tomorrow, in 2001, our home schooling family set forth on a six-week journey by car which took us over 7,000 miles across this country. We couldn’t have known at the outset that in just a few short weeks on September 11, our world would change forever, and that we were seeing this country through a lens in which it would never be seen again. We embarked with a joyous abandon and freedom, which would soon be challenged when four aeronautical spears pierced the heart of America.
In the years since, I’ve written and rewritten a narrative of that journey called “Dream Summer.” Over the course of the next few months, I hope to share excerpts with One Ringing Bell Readers several days a week as well as continue posting on other matters God may place on my heart.
Come with our family and rediscover the beauty of America. Meet her people, explore her land, and gain new historical insight. Experience how God speaks his dreams into our lives through everyday circumstances. My prayer is that as you read this travel memoir, you’ll find joy even in the midst of the serious threats and complexities of living in twenty-first century America, and that you’ll find renewed hope for family and country.
In the years since, I’ve written and rewritten a narrative of that journey called “Dream Summer.” Over the course of the next few months, I hope to share excerpts with One Ringing Bell Readers several days a week as well as continue posting on other matters God may place on my heart.

As we observe the ten-year marker of the event that left an indelible stain which remains a backdrop to our lives today, join us as we remember the dreams God planted in our hearts during those precious days on the eve of 911--what will forever be our “Dream Summer.”
I invite you to share this with others by passing along the URL on social networking sites or email. Look for the “Dream Summer” label to follow the series.
I have my bag packed, and I’m ready to go.
“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage” (Psalm 84:5).
“Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage” (Psalm 84:5).