you can see, I’ve had this book for a very long time. It’s been well loved (Also couldn't help show off the little nest with eggs our granddaughter made for us).
book lists names, their literal meanings, and suggests character qualities and
scriptures that might align with these characteristics. We used it to help select
our children’s names, and I’ve turned to it repeatedly to gather information to
make gifts for others. Sometimes, I’ve consulted it to help develop fictional characters.
ago, someone wrote, “A good name is more desirable than great riches…”
(Proverbs 22:1). I’ve been thinking about what it means to have a good name.
And how in this culture, a good name can quickly slide into disfavor. As a
pastor’s wife, I feel I’ve lived the last decades of my life in a fish bowl. I’ve
had other people besides family live with me many times from durations lasting
from a few days to a year. It often seemed that everything we said and
everything we did was on parade for the world to see.
this new season of our lives, even with the nest empty, it really still seems
that way, because now I’m posting on the internet every few days. So, in doing
some research a few days ago, actually looking up a word definition, just clicking
away, I was confronted with something that offered me an opportunity to post a
link on my Facebook page. I was one click away from that happening. It was a
link to an apparently ugly article that put a spin on the innocuous word I was
telling you, it scared me. I could just see my Facebook wall with my name and a
link to what promised to be a crass article. The Message says, “A sterling reputation is better
than striking it rich…” (Proverbs 22:1). It’s important to guard our names, our
reputations, because a good name can’t be bought.
12:3 says, “There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden
that will not be made known.” I believe God calls us to live our lives so that
at any moment, if all were to be laid bare, we’d having nothing of which to be
definitely a challenge.
one worth taking.
be careful out there. Be watchful of the ways the enemy of our souls is always
on the prowl trying to trip us, to steal our good name. And if you’re in
ministry, as Bible teacher Beth Moore says, you “move into the cross hairs.”
a message in counseling that says, “Secrets keep you sick.” They do. So if you’re
feeling shame over some indiscretion, it’s best to find a trusted spiritual
confidant or pastor and confess. Let God cleanse you for the road ahead.
is in a name?
Bible Dictionary says that for the Hebrews, names, “generally expressed some
personal characteristic, some incident connected with the birth, some hope or
wish or prayer of the parent; and henceforth the child embodied it, and for the
parents sake felt it like a personal vow, and made his life an effort to
realize it.”
the Hebrews, a name was more than just how we distinguish one person from another.
literal meaning of my name means “dweller at the beaver meadow.” The character quality
assigned is “persistent one.” My parents didn’t know that when they named me. I found it in this little book I’ve had for so
long. In my life, I've encountered some really difficult circumstances, and I've at times struggled not to give up. But, I remember
what my name means. It helps me to keep going. Someone once said about me that
I reminded them of the Energizer Bunny. That’s okay with me.
feel my Heavenly Father assigned my name to me for a reason, and for His sake,
I want to be that persistent one He’s named me to be.
you don’t know about your own name, there are still a few of these books available used through online sources.
here’s another newer source for similar information.
God bring much encouragement to you through this research. And may you guard that good name He’s given