From a life of dread to photo spread

We always knew our Bassett Hound grand dog, Agnes, had star potential.

Possessing almost human-like qualities as she watched television with her friends, great things had to be ahead.
Plus, she’s such a live wire.

So, it was no surprise to us here at One Ringing Bell that Country Living Magazine chose her for a photo spread in their October issue (on newsstands now).

When we received our copy, we just had to share a bit with you (Agnes bottom right). You'll have to buy the magazine to get her full page spread.

Now, Agnes didn’t start at the top. In fact, if you’d known her back in the day, you might have said, there was not much hope for her. When our daughter, Mari, rescued her, she had been a puppy about to go through a hard winter with no shelter. A life of dread.

As my husband, Jerry, says, “She’s living the life of Riley, now.” (Means advantaged, but I have no idea where the phrase came from. Apparently no one else does either, according to the etymology in this article.)

You can probably see where I’m going with this.

Eugene Peterson translates Colossians 1:13-14 this way, “God rescued us from dead-end alleys and dark dungeons. He’s set us up in the kingdom of the Son he loves so much, the Son who got us out of the pit we were in, got rid of the sins we were doomed to keep repeating.

There may have been a time in your life (maybe now?), like there was in mine, when someone would have said, there was no hope for us. Like Agnes, we were in that life of dread. But thank God, because of Jesus, we’re the ones who can live the life of Riley. Not because of anything we’ve done, but because Jesus rescued us, we’re the ones who are advantaged-- children of the King. Only God could have seen that coming.

Country Living may not call, but you can be sure, God is always calling to lead us toward the destiny he has for us. City or country, that’s really living.