“He will not let
your foot slip—he who watches over you will not slumber…” Psalm 121:3
A couple of years
ago on a Saturday night before I faced a drive of almost eight hundred miles
from Texas to Georgia alone, I spoke with my eighty-four year old Dad on the telephone.
A blurry picture of Dallas |
“I’m not going to
church tomorrow,” he said, “in case you need to call.”
Dad had traveled
the road I would drive several times, and he wanted to listen for the telephone
just in case I needed advice or help. During the eighteen hours on the road the
next day, I did call. It was nice to speak with him while driving so many miles
by myself.
His actions gave me insight into the heart of
our heavenly Father who in a much greater way makes himself available to us. In
fact, the Psalmist tells us that out of God’s watchful care, he “will neither
slumber nor sleep.” Because of His great love, God’s availability to us spans twenty-four hours of every day
of every week of every year no matter which roads we travel.
These days, the
effects of aging are making my dad’s life increasingly difficult. I find
comfort in knowing that here at the end of my dad’s long journey, the
Father watches over him, too, every
mile of the way.

Remember to check out the latest post from One Old Dawg.