31 Days: Back at Catlyst Atlanta, pouring out and pouring in

I had such a great time volunteering at Catalyst last year, I’m back here again today.
I joked about getting orthopedic shoes, but never did, so here’s hoping my walking shoes are going to stand the test. I left home around 4:30 this morning and I won’t be back till late, then I’ll be here again first thing in the morning. Did I mention I also have a book signing tomorrow afternoon an hour and a half away.

Now what was I blogging about for 31 Days? Oh, yes, I remember—Fresh Strength.

I’m going to need it.

But here’s the thing. Last year, when I left Catalyst, I was physically tired, but spiritually energized. The whole experience left me ready to do it again. And that’s what I believe will happen this year. In fact, I’m sorry I didn’t get to spend even more time here because of another obligation.

When we pour out, God pours in.

I'll say it again. When we pour out, God pours in.

So, if you’re tired, pour out. Crazy, isn’t it. But true.

“Give away your life; you’ll find life given back, but not merely given back—given back with bonus and blessing. Giving, not getting, is the way” (Matthew 6:38).  

Find more on Catalyst Atlanta here.