Persevering, come rain or come shine

I’ve been dissolving into a thousand puddles of joy because of reading Jan Karon’s book, Come Rain or Come Shine.

It’s one of her best. Of course, I probably think they’re all her best. But this book is something (hint: it looks like Lace and Dooley might finally tie the knot).

I’ve written before of how she influenced me HERE at "Jan Karon and inspiration"―how much she’s meant to me personally, how she’s inspired my writing and helped me persevere.

But still, I have to tell you, sometimes, I still have questions. Like what do I really do except sit around making up stories?

Then I read a post over at Novel Rocket by Violet Nesdoly about her journey as a reluctant novelist.

She’s experienced some of the same doubts which have culminated in the prayer, “Lord, is this really what you want me to do? A novel is, after all, just entertainment. Couldn’t you give me something less frivolous and more important to write?”

And here’s what she heard from the Lord.

“Entertainment is a huge influence, a mountain of influence in your society. Do not trivialize this work I give you. It is not frivolous or unimportant. Instead of praying for a different job, pray that you would do this one well; that your words would be light on the path to Me in the realm of entertainment.”

 I read these words, and thought again about how much Jan Karon’s stories have meant to me. It’s easy for me to see the value in her stories, but harder for me to see the value in my own. And yet, I know that though my work hardly touches the scope of Karon’s stories, it has merit, because God has called me to this journey.

One of the most exceptional stories of God’s grace to me is I once had an elderly man tell me he’d never read a book in his life but he read Give My Love to the Chestnut Trees and loved it. He thanked me for a wonderful story. I didn’t know the man, but his message touched me deeply. By God’s grace, I helped this one man read his first book for pleasure, and perhaps, he will read more.

Just yesterday, my husband talked to a friend who told him her copies of my books are threadbare from being passed around. A real complement she loved them enough to share. Hopefully, her friends were blessed through reading. I certainly do want my words to be a “light on the path” to God.

If I stop and think, God reminds me of other encouraging stories, as well.

So, I persevere. And hopefully along the way, lives are changed. Maybe even like mine has been through reading Karon’s stories.

Find a copy of Karon’s latest book. Join me in the puddles of joy. And if you’re a writer, let’s persevere together.

Come rain or come shine.

“Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your might . . ." (Ecclesiastes (9:10).