With the heartaches of the past week, we’re really looking for joy.
The lyrics to a children’s song come to mind, “If you want joy, you
must clap for it. If you want you, you must sing for it,” etc.
When you want joy, you must knock for it, because joy doesn’t
often come knocking on our door, we have to knock on its door. Often, we have
to knock hard and say, “Open up joy, I’m coming in.”
It doesn’t take money, or position, or power to find joy.
What it takes is the ability to see. To find the beauty in tiny things.
To set our minds on what the Apostle Paul talked about, “Summing it all up,
friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things
true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious―the best, not the
worst, the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse” (Philippians 4:8 The Message).
Those things.
It takes being intentional.
Here’s a list of a few joy-full events around here in the last few days
or so:
- Snapping those amazing sunset in the clouds pictures above as I was leaving church one evening.
- A red headed woodpecker that flew right in front of us one day. He flashed his red head at me, and it almost seemed he winked. I couldn’t help but smile.
- Wilbur the menace (I love that cat even though he's always in trouble), who has taken up residence on a backdrop I’m working on for VBS. I decided I’m going to paint him right on the walls of my clubhouse mural. I can’t wait to see the kid’s faces when they see him.
- This video my son sent me which I've repeatedly watched because joy just keeps bubbling up when witnessing a dog help his brother. ( If you can't get the video to play go here and here's hoping for no inappropriate ads)
Often, it's the really small things that help you weather the really big things. Yes, friends, if you want joy, you have to do whatever it takes to get
it, because we can never forget, “ . . . the joy of the Lord is your strength”
(Nehemiah 8:10).
So, let’s get out there, do a little knocking, and see what comes up.