Gifts of comfort and love

Last Christmas I opened one of my packages from Jerry and found these inside:


Two Christmas themed handkerchiefs he saw me admiring in a gift store. He went back and bought them for me―a sweet gesture.

I love vintage handkerchiefs and ones that appear vintage. I have a whole box I’ve collected over the years, many with handmade lace.

One of them inspired the handkerchief noted in this excerpt of The Key to Everything.     

          “Harriet eased from the exam table and gave Genny a hug. 
 'Hurting people hurt people. But first things, first, honey.’ Harriet took a lace-edged handkerchief from her pocket and offered it to Genny.

            Genny stared at it a moment, the lace appearing to have been handmade. It was almost too beautiful to use, but she dabbed her eyes anyway not wanting to reject Harriet’s offer.

            Harriet fixed her gaze right on her. ‘Remember what I said about the legacy. You think about what your grandmother went through.’

            Genny nodded. It was a lot to forgive . . .”

You’ll have to read the book to learn what Genny found a lot to forgive.

But as for the handkerchief, it sends me back to another time, when time and love went into the crafting of them. They often found their way into the hands of a bride, a special purse, or brought comfort in drying a tear.

For many years, my husband would hand out his handkerchief at the altar when praying with someone. Many later confessed they kept the handkerchiefs. One woman who flew home to be with a sick relative took it with her on the trip. There were so many stories like this.

After my dad died, I was going through a coat of his and found one of his handkerchiefs. I cried when I found it and consider it one of my most precious possessions.

The Christmas handkerchief with bells is on my desk. Of course, this blog is called One Ringing Bell, and when I see that handkerchief, I’m reminded to ring out the good news in my writing.

So here I am doing just that, ringing those Christmas bells, and saying “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth, peace . . . " (Luke 2:14). And I’m praying you, my friends,  would both give and receive gifts this Christmas that bear God’s comforting power and speak of His love.

Today, as part of the Anaiah Authors 12 days of giveaways, I am giving away a digital copy of The Key to Everything, a mug, a bookmark, a small chalkboard, and a scarf.  Click on this link to register.

And please consider Faith in the Fashion District or The Key to Everything for those on your Christmas list.