On enduring discomfort

A reporter from the Charlotte Observer once asked  New York Times bestselling author Jan Karon “What besides talent makes you suited for the writing life?” She responded, “I go to ground, which is a hunting term. Fox goes into the hole. I go in and don’t come out. I’m suited to the writing life because I’m able to endure solitude.”

Endure solitude, indeed.  Most writers will tell you that one of their biggest challenges is the time spent alone. When you’re writing a 50, 60, 70, 80 thousand plus manuscript, you’re going to experience long solitary days.

I checked several dictionaries for the definition of endure but one of the most succinct read, “suffer patiently.”

I suspect Wilbur was enjoying rather than enduring what appears an uncomfortable position in this picture, but you get the point.

We all love comfort. Raising my hand, here. But I often determine if I’m following God or not by the degree of discomfort I feel. If I’m playing it safe, I have to wonder if I’m pleasing God or myself. I believe God is all about moving us out of our comfort zones.
In fact, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable right now writing about discomfort. It's not a popular topic.

Often, in order to birth a new work, we will have to endure discomfort. One of the primary benefits of discomfort is our realization we must rely on God.  

As the years pass, it can become more and more tempting to chisel out a rut and crawl in it. But, if we’re really seeking after God, that is not an option.

Let’s do something out of our comfort zone today and see what God will bring from it. Dr. Brene’ Brown writes, “Lean into the discomfort of the work.” So, let’s lean. Let’s go with it.

Here’s to making up our minds we’re not going to choose the way of comfort but the way of enduring with patience the discomfort God allows to come into our life.

Only God knows the beauty He may bring from it.

 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer” (Romans 12:12).