The Name that Matters

Recently, I came across one of the most inspiring poems I’ve ever read, yet the poet’s name was not familiar to me. When I searched online, I found the poet had written a book in the 1920's, but I still found it odd that no biographical info was available. Maybe the book provides more information, but I doubt it because volumes of that time did not often include biographies.

I have prayed through the years that whether it be in my music, art, or writing, that I would disappear, and only Jesus would remain. I want to be a transparent vessel for Him. And yet, in our humanity that’s a tough thing to deal with. This poet’s words have remained illuminating the path of those who followed her, but we don’t even know what country she lived in, only that God bestowed on a person with her name a gift of writing words that would draw others to Him.

Yes, recognition for our work if affirming, but we must always keep at the forefront of our minds whose name is important, and that name is Jesus.

I’m sure if we could interview our poet in heaven, she would tell us it has never mattered that the details of her life have been lost in history, because she has a full-time job now giving glory and praise to the one whose name matters more than any other.

Though there are close to two thousand songs with a similar name to  “No Other Name,” the one that remains my favorite was performed by Sandi Patty. And if you have never heard it, I include a link, because I think her rendition gives us a glimpse through the heavenly portal.

When we struggle with being invisible, let’s remember we are seen by our creator, the one whose name is above any other and our praise of that name will continue into eternity.

Sandi Patty, “No Other Name but Jesus”