Hope and the small things

Many folks I know personally right now are way past overwhelmed due to medical, financial, family, and other issues. And then there’s a swath of people all through the southeast who are one thousand miles past overwhelmed with the aftermath of these two hurricanes that have come through. Their struggles seem insurmountable in the natural.

But in thinking about these huge concerns, the Lord has reminded me again to find comfort in how He is at work in the small things.

I still have hummingbirds coming to the feeder, and last week as that monster of a hurricane Milton was churning in the gulf, I kept saying, “Don’t go yet, little birds. Don’t go.” This time of year, they are getting ready to make that long trek to the Yucatan peninsula and other points south. I was concerned the hurricane would throw them off.

But when I did a bit of research, many reported that these tiny creatures can sustain hurricane force winds over land as shown by the fact they return to feeders once the storm moves through. They do however suffer when they get caught over water, but most birds wait until the weather is optimal before beginning that flight. Their God given internal guidance systems help them know their departure time.

In times of distress, I have often found solace in these words, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them will fall to the ground outside your Father’s care” (Matthew 10:29).

The all-seeing God knows when one sparrow falls, how much more is God concerned about the tragedies unfolding in the world. He comforts us with these words, “So don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.”

We are highly valued to the Lord, and it’s things like knowing the little hummingbird can withstand the fiercest winds and understands when to go and when to stay that reinforces this for me. God’s love is so vast!

So go outside, and if you have a feeder take a last look this season at these creatures who remind us of a big God. And you can absolutely believe He cares about the details touching us and all those suffering in these hurricanes and other circumstances.

This brings me hope. I pray you find it, as well.